What we talk about.

BC Energy Step Code Updates and Zero Carbon Step Code
The recent upgrade to the BC Energy Step Code aligns with BC’s overarching goal of steadily increasing performance requirements over time. These changes have provided much-needed future predictability to the industry by keeping the energy targets largely unchanged while simply increasing the steps. Moreover, the introduction of an opt-in approach to tackle greenhouse emissions has given a boost to the mission of creating a sustainable future.
Evoke contributed significantly to the technical work to develop these new targets, and we are well positioned to help design teams understand and effectively take the next step.

Evoke Air Tightness Calculator Launch
If converting between modelled infiltration rates and air tightness testing targets is only simple math, then why is it so annoying?! Cue Evoke’s handy new Air Tightness Calculator!

Next Generation Energy Modelling Workflows
Making sense of model results requires engineering judgement, and always will. But what if we could develop testing tools that quickly flag common errors, or big changes, or unusual inputs or results?
BETB Guide Backstory and Innovation.
Are you curious about how a table that seemed not out of the ordinary was cultivated into the BETB Guide? Read this blog to find out the backstory on the BETB Guide.